Is Your Job Hurting Your Health?
by Native
And the downward spiral in consumer spending has made it much more difficult for employees to generate the results that companies expect.
In addition, with reduced corporate revenue comes the likelihood that employees won’t be rewarded for long work hours and hard work.
The European Working Conditions Observatory (EWCO) cited a Danish research project that found that effort-reward imbalance and job insecurity negatively affect workers.
The EWCO said the project found that “an imbalance in effort and reward is associated with a decline in health and increased sleep difficulties…”
In published research, scientists from The Netherlands further defined this concept by saying: “The central tenet of the ERI [Effort-Reward Imbalance] Model is that an imbalance between (high) efforts and (low) rewards leads to (sustained) strain reactions.”
One group of scientists compiled data from multiple studies and found that an effort-reward imbalance at work could lead to heart disease.
“All studies based on the effort–reward imbalance model, and about half of the studies with the job strain model revealed an impact of work stress on cardiovascular disease,” the scientists said in their published compilation.
A recent Korean study found that job stress could lead to another health problem. Scientists studied 8,155 Korean workers and learned that 32.9% of them had insomnia.
What can you do to manage work-related stress, though? Biofeedback may be helpful.
In a study published this year, scientists taught nursing students how to use biofeedback machines for stress management.
“Specifically, participants were trained to control the HRV [heart rate variability] through slower breathing and positive emotions,” the scientists noted in the published findings.
In other words, the nurses were taught how to control their heart rate by using machines that allowed them to see their heart rate and act accordingly. As a result, the nurses were better able to manage stress and felt less anxiety.
To locate a biofeedback provider in your area, visit
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