Limiting Video Game Time
by C. Markus
Every day, video games are becoming more complicated and engaging, offering a world many would rather live in.They pose as an escape from the real world, and many teens would rather spend their time gaming than playing with their friends, this is when it becomes a problem. Some signs of video game addiction can include:
- Playing for an excessive amount of time
- Thinking about video games during other activities
- Lying to friends and family to conceal gaming
- Playing video games more than socializing with friends
If you notice any of these symptoms, there is a chance the gamer might have an addiction. Excessive gaming can leads to numerous problems, including:
- Sleep disorders
- Carpel tunnel syndrome
- Eating disorders
- Poor hygiene
- Lack of social skills
If left to their own devices, many gamers could end up ruining their lives – but how do you convince someone that they have a problem? You must treat it like any other addiction.
Begin with avoiding video games. Just like smokers who are trying to quit the habit, if you are around it, you will want to do it – so avoid video games as much as possible. Pick up a new hobby that requires social interaction, such as joining a club or sports team.
Avoiding video games can be harder than it seems. In today’s society, you can’t just avoid computers, as they are required for school and keeping in contact with friends. Set restrictions on your child or yourself and make sure there are alternatives. If you understand the addiction, you will be more likely to conquer it.
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