Monday, November 2, 2015

    Ten Methods:Avoid Citrus  Avoid Gassy Foods  Avoid Spicy Foods  Avoid Caffeine  Avoid Alcoholic Beverages   Limit Garlic  Avoid Allergic Reactions    Avoid Mercury from Fish    Avoid Junk Food                 Avoid Unintentional Weaning
Nursing moms are usually aware that medication and alcohol should be avoided while breastfeeding, to avoid the possibility of passing the effects onto the baby through their breast milk. However, they may not realize that the foods they eat can also cause some unwanted effects for their nursing baby. Many nursing moms will find that after having eaten certain foods, their baby refuses the breast or appears fussy after feedings. Certain foods are known for their ability to upset tiny tummies. Knowing what foods to avoid when breastfeeding is an important part of a successful nursing experience. If you notice that your baby appears fussy after nursing, it may be time to pay closer attention to what you are eating.

Method 1 of 10: Avoid Citrus

Many nursing mothers like to snack on oranges or other citrus fruits, or drink plenty of orange juice while nursing, in an attempt to fill up on healthy vitamin C. Although this may be fine for some nursing women, many babies are sensitive to the effects of vitamin C in the mom’s diet.
  1. Know What Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding Step 1.jpg
    Steer clear of citrus fruits and citrus drinks. Citrus fruits are acidic and may irritate a baby’s immature Gastro-intestinal system. Fruits to avoid include all variations of oranges, lemons, grapefruits and limes.
    • Some babies may experience fussiness and spitting up if mom eats citrusy foods.
    • Babies who are sensitive to citrus in breast milk may develop diaper rash, as they have sensitive skin that is easily irritated by the acidic nature of citrus foods.

  2. Method 2 of 10: Avoid Gassy Foods

    Foods that do not cause gas in nursing moms can still cause gas in their breastfed babies.
    1. Know What Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding Step 2.jpg
      Cut back on high-fiber vegetables that are known to cause gas and stomach upset if it appears that your baby is having difficulty after you consume them.
      • Immature tummies may have a difficult time when mom has eaten broccoli, peppers, cabbage and Brussels sprouts.
      • The bean family may prove to be problematic for baby as well. Limit kidney beans, lima beans and black beans to only occasional additions to a meal.

    Method 3 of 10: Avoid Spicy Foods

    Spices can do wonders for dressing up an otherwise bland meal, but they may not be the best choice for nursing babies; baby may be fussy for hours after nursing.
    1. Know What Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding Step 3.jpg
      Eliminate the use of spicy peppers, hot sauces and other spicy flavors when preparing your meals.
    2. Know What Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding Step 4.jpg
      Reintroduce spicy foods into your diet after baby has started taking solid foods and is nursing less.

    Method 4 of 10: Avoid Caffeine

    Drinking caffeinated beverages may create irritability in your baby. A baby’s immature digestive system does not allow him to excrete caffeine in the same manor as an adult’s will. The caffeine is passed onto the baby through the milk supply and baby can lose sleep, which will lead to a cranky little one.
    1. Know What Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding Step 5.jpg
      Cut back on your use of coffee, tea and soda. If you must indulge your need for caffeine, try waiting until after a nursing session to do so. At that point, your baby will be full and you will have a few hours to allow the caffeine to leave your system.
    2. Know What Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding Step 6.jpg
      Keep in mind that caffeine is in items other than caffeinated beverages.Generally, the amount of caffeine in chocolate is far less than your average caffeinated drink.
      • A 1 oz serving of chocolate has approximately up to 35 mg of caffeine while on average, a cup of coffee has approximately 135 mg.
      • A little indulgence here and there should prove to be insignificant. #*However over indulgence in chocolate can lead to just as much fussiness from your baby as that cup of coffee.
      • Although decaffeinated drinks have less caffeine, they still have caffeine in them. If you like the taste of coffee or tea, try decaffeinated versions and drink a moderate amount just after nursing.

    Method 5 of 10: Avoid Alcoholic Beverages

    It used to be believed that drinking an occasional glass of wine here and there would pose no risk to breastfed babies. Although this is still the current school of thought for most health care professionals, it is important to know that alcohol is excreted into the breast milk in small amounts.
    1. Know What Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding Step 7.jpg
      Know that allowing yourself an occasional glass of wine should pose no problem for your baby if you feed baby prior to consuming 1 glass. By the time baby is ready to eat again, there should be no effects left to pass onto baby through your milk supply.
    2. Know What Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding Step 8.jpg
      Keep in mind that if you are indulging in heavier alcoholic beverages or drinking more frequently than the occasional glass of wine, you may be passing the alcohol onto your baby.
      • The possible side effects of alcohol to baby include drowsiness, weakness, grogginess and deeper sleep than usual. Over the course of time, baby may even have excessive weight gain.
      • The American Academy of Pediatrics warns against excessive alcohol usage when breastfeeding.
      • If you are drinking alcohol as a means of relaxation, look into other ways to relax. Try taking a warm bath, drinking a soothing cup of chamomile tea, reading a book, taking a walk or getting a massage.

    Method 6 of 10: Limit Garlic

    Garlic has a very distinct flavor that can dress up even the blandest of dishes. It also has a host of health benefits associated with its consumption. But none of this matters if your breastfed baby is sensitive to it, in which case it will have to be avoided.
    1. Know What Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding Step 9.jpg
      Skip the heavy garlic if you find baby is avoiding drinking from your breast after consuming it. This is one food that can alter the taste of breast milk and can change the smell of milk for up to 2 hours after eating it. Some babies remember the smell from a prior episode and will even refuse the breast all together.

    Method 7 of 10: Avoid Allergic Reactions

    Know of possible family aversions to foods. The La leche League International warns that any history of allergy in the family is reason enough to proceed with caution when introducing the food into your diet when breastfeeding. Food allergies are often inherited and baby may be susceptible to the allergen through your breast milk.
    1. Know What Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding Step 10.jpg
      Avoid peanut products and other nuts while breast feeding. Nuts are one of the most common allergens in babies and children. They can occur even if there is no family history of nut allergies.
      • If you do consume nuts and you notice your baby develops a reaction in the form of hives, a rash, eczema or wheezing, your baby may have an allergy or sensitivity to nuts.
    2. Know What Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding Step 11.jpg
      Limit your intake of wheat products if you notice that your baby has a negative reaction after you consumed a wheat substance such as bread or pasta.
      • If baby begins excessive crying, appears in pain or develops bloody stools after your wheat consumption, try eliminating wheat foods for a few weeks before introducing them into your diet again.
      • If baby has no symptoms during the wheat absence and suddenly develops symptoms once you reintroduce wheat into your diet, it would appear your baby has a wheat allergy.
    3. Know What Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding Step 12.jpg
      Watch for dairy sensitivity in your baby.
      • If you consume milk, cheese, yogurt or ice cream, and baby begins vomiting, or appears colic, it may be a reaction to dairy.
      • In addition to stomach upset, other symptoms of dairy allergy in babies include sleeplessness and eczema that may progress to open sores.
      • Some babies are so allergic to dairy that even goat and sheep milk present problems.
      • If you find that your baby is reacting to your consumption of dairy products, you will need to narrow down your search of the culprit by eliminating all dairy except one item at a time for a week or so to see how baby reacts to each item.
      • Gradually introduce new dairy products to check for reaction and eliminate all that create a problem.
    4. Know What Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding Step 13.jpg
      Pay attention to your baby’s reaction when you consume corn products such as corn chips or taco shells. If your baby displays discomfort, excessive crying or a rash, you may need to begin an elimination diet of corn products. Try limiting your intake of corn products to only 1 specific item at a time for a week or so to see what products affect your baby.
    5. Know What Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding Step 14.jpg
      Avoid shellfish if someone else in the family has sensitivity to them.Research shows that a strong family history to food allergies poses a greater risk of passing it on to baby. If you eat lobster or shrimp or other forms of shellfish, watch to see if baby is displaying symptoms of allergy. The best form of action might be total avoidance while breastfeeding.
    6. Know What Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding Step 15.jpg
      Observe how your baby reacts to your consumption of eggs. If your baby displays signs of discomfort after you have eaten eggs, you may need to find ways to eliminate them from your diet. Eggs are used in the making of many food products and it may be difficult to narrow your search when it comes to egg allergies.
    7. Know What Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding Step 16.jpg
      Beware of soy if your baby has food intolerance to dairy. Many babies with a sensitivity to dairy also have a sensitivity to soy. If your baby is showing signs of discomfort after your consumption of soy products, investigate what you are eating that may be the culprit.
      • Power bars and protein shakes tend to bother babies with allergies to soy more than products made with fermented soy.
      • Try to narrow down the source of discomfort with an elimination and reintroduction diet of soy products.

    Method 8 of 10: Avoid Mercury from Fish

    Digesting fish high in mercury presents the possibility of passing that mercury to your baby through breast milk. High mercury levels in the body can alter the normal growth of the brain and nervous system, which will affect cognitive thinking, memory, attention, fine motor skills, language and some visual skills.
    1. Know What Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding Step 17.jpg
      The FDA suggests that breast feeding women avoid shark, swordfish, king mackerel and tile fish because they are high in mercury. Substitute canned tuna, salmon, catfish or Pollock.

    Method 9 of 10: Avoid Junk Food

    Junk food has no nutritional value and does not have a place in a breastfeeding diet.
    1. Know What Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding Step 18.jpg
      Eat healthy and nutritional foods to give your baby the best nourishment possible. Junk foods offer little in the way of nutrients and are, for the most part, empty and unhealthy calories.
    Method 10 of 10: Avoid Unintentional Weaning        weaning can occur when the mother’s milk supply is reduced. This can happen as a result of consuming foods that interfere with milk production and diminish milk supply.
    1. Know What Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding Step 19.jpg
      Refrain from drinking peppermint tea, which may actually reduce your milk supply.
      • Herbalists promote the consumption of peppermint tea as a holistic means of halting milk once weaning has taken place.
      • The use of peppermint candies and drops should be limited to small quantities as well.
      • If you are looking for a tea with soothing properties, try chamomile tea instead. The components in it may have a calming effect on your baby as well.
    2. Know What Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding Step 20.jpg
      Limit your use of parsley to small quantities. Parsley is related to the mint family, so large amounts may reduce your milk supply just as peppermint does. Parsley is often used in supplements of herbal remedies so be certain to check the ingredients. A small amount of parsley should have no significant affect upon your milk supply.

    • Always check with your health care professional regarding concerns over diet and allergies.
    • Speak with your doctor about proper nutritional balances when eliminating certain foods from your diet.
    • Should you notice your baby has any reactions to a food you have eaten, seek the advice of a professional. 
    Sources:  Health TIPS USA                                                                                                                                                                                                What do you think? send in your comments.. and share ( also G+ it if you like it)  with your friends and family members.

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