Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Amazing home remedies 

Here are some very useful home remedies for your Daily Needs Worth reading .............
Almonds: To remove the skin of almonds easily, soak them in hot water for 15-20 minutes.
Ants: Putting 3-4 cloves in the sugar container will keep the ants at bay.
Biscuits: If you keep a piece of blotting paper at the bottom of the container, it will keep biscuits fresh for a longer time.
Egg peeling off: Make a small hole in the egg by piercing a pin before boiling it. You will be able to remove its skin very easily.
Egg fresh: Immerse the egg in a pan of cool salted water. If it sinks, it is fresh; if it rises to the surface, it is certainly quite old.
Garlic: Garlic skin comes off easily if the garlic cloves are slightly warmed before peeling.
Lemon/Lime: If the lemon or lime is hard, put it in warm water for 5-10 minutes to make it easier to squeeze.
Lizards: Hang a peacock feather, lizards will leave your house.

Mosquitoes: Put a few camphor tablets in a cup of water and keep it in the bed room near your bed, or in any place with mosquitoes.
Noodles: When the noodles are boiled, drain all the hot water and add cold water. This way all the noodles will get separated.

Tamarind: Tamarind is an excellent polish for brass and copper items. Rub a slab of wet tamarind with some salt sprinkled on it on the object to be polished.
Gargles with tamarind water is recommended for a sore throat.

Sink (Blocked): To clear the blocked drain pipe of your kitchen sink, mix 1/2 cup sodium bicarbonate in 1 cup vinegar and pour it into the sink, and pour about 1 cup water.. In an hour the drain pipe will open.

send in your own home remedy and or comments and share to educate someone.



7 Tips to help a Distracted Child

1. Keep a calm home environment. This means not yelling at your child if he doesn't mind you or settle down to do his homework. Of course every parent can be pushed to the extreme and "loses it" occasionally. Every parent yells or screams at a child once in awhile. If this happens, simply apologize to your child and reassure him that you love him, while explaining that his behavior is sometimes frustrating
2. Limit media distractions in your home. Many children are not as good at filtering out noise as adults are. This means that having the television on while your child is trying to do her homework may interfere with her ability to concentrate. Limit your child to one hour of "screen time" per day. This means limiting television, electronic games and other forms of eye-candy. The American Academy of Pediatrics warns that early exposure to television is associated with ADHD in children. They also recommend that parents not put a television set in the child's room, and that you keep the TV turned off when you are not watching a specific program.
3. Have your child's vision and hearing tested. If your child suddenly starts to have trouble at school, take him to the pediatrician for a vision and hearing test. Sometimes a child is not able to express that he is having trouble seeing or hearing clearly. Several times in my experience, a child's teacher thought he might have ADHD, when the real problem was nearsightedness.
4. Stay positive in your child's presence. Don't argue with your spouse or partner when you child is around. Surprisingly, children worry about their parents just as much as their parents worry about them. Hearing parents argue or even talk in loud voices can be scary to a child. Even if the arguments are not serious, to a child's vivid imagination arguments might signify that his parents are headed for a divorce. Tell your child only the good things in your life, and keep the arguments for when the child is not present. Even if your child is in the other room, he can still hear your tone of voice and pick up on angry feelings. To air out differences, parents should think about having lunch together or taking a walk alone to clear the air.
5. Be "in the moment" with you child at least once every day. Have a few minutes each day when you can focus 100% of your attention on your child: read her a book, play a short board game, or make a drawing or a painting together. If you prefer outdoor games, go to the park and play basketball or tennis with your child.
6. Have clear rules and enforce them consistently. Parents should come to agreement about the rules concerning their child, and back each other up. Being on the same page about discipline is especially crucial if a child is having trouble focusing.
7. Enroll your child in a sport to channel his / her extra energy. If your child is "hyper," he may need more outlets for his/her energy. Remember, Olympic gold medal swimmer Michael Phelps had trouble focusing in the classroom and was diagnosed with ADHD. After being on medication for four years, Phelps decided that the medication was an unnecessary crutch. With the help and support of his doctor, he weaned himself off medication at age thirteen. Phelps learned to control his inattentiveness at school by using the power of his mind, and found a wholesome outlet for his extra energy in competitive swimming.


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Orange is one of the most favorite fruit in the world. Orange is loaded with vitamins, and the most abundant vitamin in orange is Vitamin C. This powerful vitamin protect our body against harmful
Orange is Beneficial in the following cases :
* Asthma
* Bronchitis
* Tuberculosis
* Pneumonia
* Rheumatism
* Prevent kidney stone
* Helps lower cholesterol
* Helps prevent diabetes
* Arthritis
* High blood pressure
* Persons addicted to alcohol have found that the desire for liquor is greatly reduced by drinking of orange juice.
* Consumption of large quantities of oranges will decrease the outpouring of mucus secretions from the nose.
Nutritional Contents of Orange :

1. Betacarotene, another powerful antioxidant that protects our cells from being damage.
2. Calcium that helps protect and maintain the health of our bone and teeth.
3. Folic Acid for proper brain development.
4. Magnesium helps maintain blood pressure.
5. Potassium helps maintain electrolyte balance in the cells, and is important in maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system.
6. Thiamin helps to convert food into energy.
7. Vitamin B6 helps support the production of hemoglobin that carries oxygen to all parts of the body
Do you know Orange? if yes, what do you call it in your mother tongue? indicate country and region.
A must share post...
Source: Native health US

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Seven Little Truths - in life  

Don't let someone become a priority in your life, when you are just an option in their life. Relationships work best when they are balanced..
Never explain yourself to anyone. Because the person who likes you doesn't need it and the person who doesn't like you won't believe it..
When you keep saying you are busy, then you are never free.When you keep saying you have no time, then you will never have time. When you keep saying that you will do it tomorrow, then your tomorrow will never come..
When we wake up in the morning, we have two simple choices. Go back to sleep and dream, or wake up and chase those dreams. Choice is yours..
We make them cry who care for us. We cry for those who never care for us. And we care for those who will never cry for us.This is the truth of life, it's strange but true. Once you realize this, it's never too late to change..
Don't make promises when you are in joy. Don't reply when you are sad.
Don't take decision when you are angry.Think twice, act once..
Time is like river. You can't touch the same water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again
"Someone Asked Swami Vivekanand: "What is poison ?"
and he answered: "Everything excess in life, is poison"....
do you agree? send in your comments and share with your friends.

Source: Swami,V.

Note: If you are an entrepreneur (create your own business) , creative (projects )or need money for an important cause (hospital bills, school fees, birthdays parties, funeral, marriage etc) you must understand how to raise funds via social network see: 
register now and start your fundraising ....

keep sharing............